Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Só alcança quem não cansa - Translated is "Only Achieve for those who don't tire"

Don’t know if there are birthdays or anything sorry! I forgot to look today! But another week went by!
I feel like I need to apologize, I feel like my emails have gotten smaller and smaller just because so many miracles happen and I don’t know how to explain all the people we meet and how they all happen.
This week we went on divisions and I was with an English sister that is cape verdian, born in Lisbon, moved to London, and goes to church in a Spanish ward...crazy sister but I love her! It was a really good division. She was sister training leader in the area before me and Sister Waddell and apparently a division she had went really bad and the sister she did it with is here. And that sister said something that really made her upset and Sister Fernandes told me of this story. I don’t even remember what I said to her, but the words seemed to just flow from my mouth. I know it was the spirit telling her that everything is okay. She started crying and it just felt so good to be an instrument to help her at that moment. I love her so much. She was a great leader!
This week we met a lady named Carla and she has 2 kids under the age of 4. Well we got there to teach a lesson and the boyfriend came in and they started fighting. It was so awkward! We just sat there and tried to help but we couldn’t do much. They’re a cute family and really need the gospel!! We also met this lady on the street that actually wanted us to pass by her house the next day, which was a super awesome contact! We went and she is super elect! Her name is Luisa and she has a son that’s named Carlos. I feel like Viseu has so many families ready for the gospel!!! 
I don’t do a great job at explaining all the miracles but one of the best experiences that I’ve had in a lesson happened on Sunday. We were missing 2 new investigators for the week so we decided Sunday to go and find those people. We ended the day with 3 new investigators but let me explain a little more of what went down. We left the house and felt we needed to go to a specific road and thus we did. We ended up spending 3 hours on this one road and found 3 new investigators. The first lady was Fernanda who is reading the BofM without the first lesson. We explained a little more about the book and she told us that everything she is reading can be found in the bible. She believes that the BofM is true! So cool!! She won’t be here this week to be taught but she wants us to come back when she gets back. Then we go a few more doors down and knock at an outside door. It didn’t have a doorbell or a bell so we just went by faith that they would hear our knocking. Well a lady shows up and she’s Brazilian!! Like the story with Sister Fernandes, we taught the first lesson and during the part of the first vision, it was the spirit taking the lesson away. The words were just flowing and after she said, ` wow what a beautiful message. It really touched me. I want you guys to come back and meet my husband! Oh and where is the church? ` You can imagine the joy that we felt!! Oh and by the way, it was fast Sunday for us so fasting does work!!! Just look at the miracles that happened! Then we went 2 more doors down and found a girl, she didn’t want anything to do with us. The first thing she said was `I don’t believe in God.` We asked her what she believed and she said science. I told her that I did too but that Science answers only a few questions and religion explains the Why. She then opened up a little and we asked to go back and she said yes. Then we went a few more doors down and found Jorge. Jorge is really cool. He’s super catholic but when he listened to the first lesson he agreed with everything that we taught! So we have some really elect people that we want to continue working with. So many miracles. I wish that all of you could have been in the lessons with us. It was incredible. 
Manuel (Paula, recent converts, husband) got up in church and said how grateful he was for Paula and the gospel. It was very touching because we had fought non-stop to help them. We helped them get married and baptized and even after we’ve had to do a little bit of marriage counseling. It’s been a roller coaster, but everything we do as missionaries is worth it. 
The mission is the best. I love it so much. This week we will have divisions so again; the week will go by really fast! And then next terça we find out about transfers. Hopefully by the end of this week or the beginning of next we can get into the new house. Everything is going great! The title for this week is only achieve for those who don’t tire. We must continue working tirelessly for the cause of truth. I love you all so much! 

Sister Hillam

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