Monday, June 6, 2016

A wedding, weddings remind me of meetings, meetings remind me of baptisms!!

That pretty much sums up the week! It was such a rush! Like I said last week, this week would pass by and it did. We had one maybe two solid days to work in our area. On Tuesday we got up and went to Porto for Mission Counsel, which was super great!! President was all alone because his oldest son got married so Sister Amorim was in the states and lots of stuff was going on with sicknesses and deaths and stuff that he was super busy. But every time I talk to him, I can feel his love more and more. I just love him! Then Sister Costa stayed in Porto to get her residency card and I came back with Sister Christensen who has been here for 2 months and did a division. This week we met 2 families with HUGE potencial and we’re working with another family. 2 of the 3 are family to Mónica and Firmino. Man they are just incredible! We went and saw our new house that we should be in here soon! Hopefully by the end of this week we will be in our new house!! So all of Wednesday we were out with Mónica and seeing the house. Paula also was interviewed for her baptism and passed! So that was a relief! We worked so hard to teach her all she needed to know and have her understand. The spirit helped LOADS!!!
Here gets the good day! We get up on Thursday and we were asked to do a musical number at Paula´s baptism. Well, up until Tuesday we had no idea if the baptism would actually happen because they still needed to get married. As soon as we knew we told everyone! So Bispo asked us to sing so we got the Elders from our ward on Thursday morning and practiced. Then we had to run off to the wedding at 10! When we got there they had forgotten their identification cards so I almost had to be a witness at their wedding! Luckily bispo walked around the corner about 10 minutes late! Such a blessings because come to find out, my residency card expired! So they got married and then we had to sprint out of the building to go to our zone conference at 11. I ended up giving the demonstration practice because I gave the practice at Mission council. It went pretty good! Everyone liked it. Not going to lie, it felt good to be in front, teaching again. I like teaching people but in a big group, it was fun to guide the practice and what not. The cedar Badger in me! It was great! Then we went home for lunch at 3ish and then had to go back to the chapel to finish everything up for the baptism! We ending meeting up with a family that our bishop baptized on the Madeira! I will send you a picture but this family is so incredible! The daughters sang and played the piano at the baptism. Such a blessing and I really needed to hear it. The baptism went great! Her husband Manuel could baptize her so that was super special :) And we needed Elder Judd to help her because she’s scared of water but everything went great and then we had a huge party afterwards. But I would just like to brag about our members here. This was the first baptism that this ward has had for a little over a year now. I can’t tell you how much these members helped. Paula and Manuel had nothing. No clothing, no rings, and we didn’t have clothes big enough for the baptism. But come to find out, Maria Jesus and Emilia bought Paula an outfit for her wedding, and made her baptismal clothing, and bought Manuel a suit, and then they also had a huge party after their special day. They were answers to our prayers. There was no way we could have provided for everything and the members just wanted to do everything to help. It was incredible. I saw the Lord’s hand so clearly. It was incredible! Mostly this was the best day! It was one of those days you will never forget because of how much you see the Lord’s hand in the work. Love the mission for these exact moments!
Sadly we had to stop teaching one of our investigators. She didn’t want to go to church so we had our last lesson and told her if she wants us to help her she needs to go to church and she said not yesterday but next week. So we hope she comes this Sunday. We met some of the most elect people at the end of the week (with the 2 days we had to work) I know the Lord puts the people in our path. We worked hard with the time that we had and he blessed us with the people we needed. I just want to baptize the whole world! I love the mission so much. It feels like this has been my life, my whole life. I love the feeling of being a missionary, just everything that comes with it. Even the bad times because I know that good times come. It’s so beautiful here in Viseu with TONS of potential! that’s what I love, everything has potential, we just need to search and know that God is in charge. I love it so much. Love you family, thank you for your support and prayers. Fiquem bem!!!
beijinhos, braços,
Sister Hillam

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